Jantung hatiku !

Mesej dari pembaca :
Doktor, saudara saya meninggal serangan sakit jantung . Sebelum ini tak tahu pun dia sakit tapi secara tiba-tiba saja dia dapat serangan dan terus meninggal . Nak ikutkan bukanlah tua sangat pun .
Memang betul bahawa kita tak nampak pembuluh darah yang mengantarkan darah kejantung . Coronary arteries berada dikeliling jantung dan jika ada yang tersumbat sepenuhnya , bahagian jantung yang berkenaan akan kekurangan darah dan pengidapnya akan rasa sakit yang mencengkam dan menekan dada. Sakit ini sama ada sikit atau banyak boleh berulang dan boleh juga menjalar ke sudu hati ( epigastric ) bahu kiri , tangan kiri atau leher.
Jika darah terputus dari kawasan jantung terlibat agak lama, bahagian jantung terlibat akan alami infarct atau mati dan akan diganti dengan tisu berserat , fibrous tissue yang tidak ada keanjalan .
Ada kalanya bila yang tersumbat itu meluas dan lama , kematian hampir serta merta akan berlaku .
Ajal dan maut adalah rahsia Allah swt dan tidak siapa tahu saat ia akan berlaku . Memang benar .
Namun demikian serangan jantung ada petanda awal dan ada penyebab , ada pencegahan dan ada rawatan .
Adakah kita nakkan situasi dimana kita atau orang yang terdekat dengan kita perlu makan ubat 5-12 jenis sambil kita melihat sehari demi sehari situasi semakan parah, nafas semakin mencungap dan hidup dikongkong oleh keadaan kesihatan ? Atau adakah kita lebih rela mengambil langkah langkah positif untuk tangani keadaan sebelum ia menjadi parah ?
Keputusan ditangan diri kita sendiri dengan membuat pilihan gaya hidup dan rawatan pencegahan yang akan beroleh kesihatan jantung yang baik .
Sebelum saya teruskan ulasan tentang sakit jantung, saya menegaskan disini, ajal dan maut Allah tentukan dan tak mustahil penulis ini pun boleh dapat sakit jantung juga. Masa saya berada di Klinik Taqwa di Masjid Tanah berpuluh tahun dahulu ada seorang pakar jantung meninggal sebab serangan jantung dan ada juga pakar cancer yang meninggal sakit cancer . Jadi ulasan saya ini adalah dengan penuh rasa rendah diri bahawa qadar Allah swt yang mengatasi segalanya.
Pembuluh darah keliling jantung disebut coronary arteries . Tak perlukan mendetailkan tentang ini , memadailah jika saya sebut bahawa jantung adalah unik sebab ia sebuah otot yang perlu bekerja 24 jam sehari sepanjang hayat manusia dan jantung memerlukan oksigen yang tinggi . Darah yang di pam dalam rongga jantung membekalkan oksigen kejantung melalui coronaries maka bila coronaries semakin sempit, bekalan oksigen semakin kurang .
Angina pectoris adalah sakit yang timbul dek kurangnya oksigen, bolehlah dikatakan kebas jantung. Namun kebas jantung ini kuat sakitnya. Akan rasa seperti jantung telah di ramas dan selalunya di iringi rasa takut dan peluh sejuk . Bila ia seketika sahaja, tidak ada kesan jangka panjang tetapi bila cukup lama dan sekatan oksigen terlalu banyak , berlakulah infarct .
Maka sakit jantung ciri-cirinya , sakit yang mencengkam, berlaku semasa emosi tinggi atau tengah bekerja fisikal , sebelah kiri, mungkin menjalar ke bahu, leher, tangan , sudu hati . Diringi rasa cemas, sesak nafas dan peluh sejuk . Akan lega bila di letak pil nitroglycerine bawah lidah .
Jantung dan coronaries
Ada atau tidak tanda awal kita sedang mengalami proses coronary arteries sedang semakin sempit ?
Bagaimana ia boleh menjadi semakin sempit ?
Sebenarnya sudah lama diketahui bahawa artery semakin sempit disebabkan mendapan bahan dalam darah, sama seperti karang dalam paip lama. Bagaimana boleh jadi mendapan ini ? Kajian terkini dapati bahawa ia disebabkan radang dalam dinding dalam artery. Soalan seterusnya , kenapa terjadi radang ? Radang adalah reaksi badan secara semula jadi kepada patogen yang menyerang . Maka bakteria virus kulat atau toksin akan menyebabkan radang . Juga, bila makanan tidak mengandungi nutrisi yang diperlukan untuk dinding arteri dan disebaliknya mengandungi banyak bahan toksin , ini yang akan menyebabkan radang .
Makanan berproses banyak mengandungi lemak rosak , bahan pengawet dan pewarna serta perasa tiruan .Juga minyak masak yang salah ie mengandungi transfat dan juga mengandungi toxin .( Kimia kimia dan kimia )
Plastik dan segala pencemaran dalam air dan makanan kita termasuk bekas makanan ( styrofoams and plastics)
Sejak dari bayi lagi kita mungkin terdedah jika mengambil susu formula atau makanan bayi yang diproses.
Usus yang tidak sihat akan juga membawa radang kepada badan termasuklah radang dinding dalam coronary . Kesihatan usus main peranan amat penting dalam kesihatan seluruh badan dan ini boleh terjejas sejak kecil lagi dengan banyak perkara termasuk kelahiran secara caesarean, susu formula, antibiotik , bakteria virus dan kulat .
Dulu para penyelidik dapati plaque mengandungi banyak cholesterol maka difikirkan cholesterol adalah penyebab penyakit coronary. Namun selepas berpuluh tahun memberi pesakit ubat rendahkan cholesterol, nyata ini bukan puncanya malahan mengambil ubat jenis statin merosakkan lagi kesihatan dengan menyakitkan otot badan dan mengkucar kacirkan enzyme hati .
Sebenarnya cholesterol dan bahan lain yang ada dalam plaque mendap kedinding artery disebabkan radang . Kepekatan darah dan kandungan fibrin yang terlalu tinggi juga menyumbang kepada proses medapan dan penghasilan plaque .
Ada beberapa cara saringan mengkaji coronary dan antaranya adalah angiogram ( ada risiko ) .
Cara lain yang lebih selamat tapi bukan mainstream adalah Esteck ( cuma ada di Malaysia di Spectrum of Life ) Esteck perlu digabung dengan ujian darah ( lab tests ) dan pemeriksan serta pengambilan kes .
Boleh juga kita lihat dari live blood film , ie Darkfield microscopy, cara ini mudah dan boleh memberi gambaran yang tepat jika dikendalikan oleh pengamal yang mahir dalam ilmu ini ( saya sedang pelajarinya )
Iridology juga akan dapat kesan jika ada masaalah coronary .
Kita juga boleh membuat andaian ( educated estimation ) dari sejarah keluarga pesakit serta gaya hidup serta gejala seperti tekanan darah, keanjalan nadi ( boleh rasa) ,
Kaitan tekanan darah tinggu dengan penyakit coronary pula:
Tekanan darah akan naik bila ada radang dalam artery. Radang ini sama dengan radang dalam coronary dan radang ini bersifat kronik , amat perlahan . Ini antara sebab tekanan darah tinggu perlu dirawat tapi rawatan semata untuk kawal tekanan darah tidak akan hentikan penyakit coronary artery .
Apa cara rawatan dan apa cara mencegah ?
Serangan jantung adalah suatu penyakit yang semakin mengingkat dan punca mati mengejut , ada kalanya di usia yang muda .
Saya telah huraikan mekanisma penyakit dan punca penyakit termasuklah penyebab penyakit dalam posting yang sebelum ini sila rujuk jika belum baca lagi .
Dalam posting ini kita lihat semula cara untuk mengesan keberankalian dan cara untuk hindarkan jika risiko untuk mendapatnya ada.
Sedia maklum jika penyakit sudah nyata wujud, amat mudah untuk dikesan . Ujian seperti stress test ECG, akan menunjukkan ‘ischaemia’ jika ada . Ischemia – kurang darah/oxygen kejantung) .
Pesakit sendiri mungkin alami sakit dada bila berkuat ( exertion ).
Untuk mengetahui kedar tersumbat dan ranting coronary mana tersumbat , perlu dijalani angiogram . Ujian ini mahal dan berisiko .
Untuk kaji risiko dan mengetahui sama ada badan kita sedang menuju (belum lagi nyata ) sakit jantung perlukan penilaian cara alternatif .. Seperti yang saya sebut sebelum ini, antara caranya adalah :
1. Esteck , 2. :Life Blood Dark field 3. Iridology 4. Penilaian gaya hidup dan assesment dari permeriksaan fisikal dan sejarah keluarga

Matters of the Heart!

A long time ago, when I was working in the Casualty department of Hospital Kuala Lumpur, a boy of 6 was brought in by the brother on a motorbike at 6 am in the morning. The child was wheezing, each breath was laboured.  Our emergency team quickly put him on a nebuliser while I prepared his injections. Before I could do anything, the boy died. His heart simply stopped from sheer exhaustion! He started wheezing at 10 pm and the family decided to wait till morning to bring him for treatment. With no medication, the boy wheezed the whole night and morning before being transported in the cold morning wind on a motorbike.  With the laboured breathing, while oxygen was still entering his lungs, the spasm caused less oxygen to enter and his chest muscles had to work much harder to get the air into the lungs. This put a lot of pressure on his heart and it had to pump harder while at the same time, it received less oxygen. It was like he was running a marathon, not for an hour or two, but for the past 8 hours without stopping and without any food or drink since he was too focused on breathing to eat or drink. Hence his little heart, no bigger than a fist had laboured on for 8 hours and finally stopped because it was too tired.

Our heart beats for the length of our lives and we hardly notice it beating on and on. We do not know what stresses we put on it. The heart is well supplied with oxygen from a network of arteries called the coronary arteries and this is very important, since a slight lack of oxygen will damage the heart muscles and damage to heart muscles means that the heart can never be as good as before since the damage will be repaired by scar tissues and these tissues are not elastic as is the original heart muscles.

While some people are born with congenital heart disease and have faulty valves or holes where there should not be, other young people may develop heart diseases because of infections, such as streptococcal infections and others still may get infection in the endocardium, the inner lining of the heart. Other young people do not even think of their heart needing any special consideration, because you hardly even hear of young people suffering from a heart attack!

In the present day however, this is no longer true. Young people do get hypertension and heart disease!  In a report by the Mayo clinic, sudden death in young people below the age of 35 is often attributed to hidden or undetected heart disease.  Is it then true that heart problems, in young people as well as in older people cannot be detected early?  Are there no signs or early warnings that can prevent the sudden deaths? Among the main reasons for heart disease in young people and also older people is inflammation in the blood vessels, this is known as atherosclerosis.  Lifestyle, nutrition and family history are to be looked into to evaluate the likelihood of heart disease.

While there may be signs like easy fatigue and shortness of breath, many people do not pay much attention to this since the onset is usually gradual and the patient gets used to the state. Other more alarming symptoms could be fainting attacks and severe palpitations (strongly felt heartbeats)

The latest non-invasive method of detecting heart disease is the Esteck Scan which is able to evaluate the condition of the heart. It can be conducted for people from the age  of 10 years and above. Measuring the resistance of different areas of the body using 6 electrodes, the measurements are calculated to show the possible conditions of the heart, body mass and other major organs in the body. Any low scores will warrant further investigations and measures to correct the condition can be initiated. Other than this, the client’s progress can be monitored by doing follow up readings once the changes to diet and nutrition as well as lifestyle have been fully implemented with good compliance over a few months.


Antibiotics-Not the magic medicine? 

“It is ironic that this humble fungus, hailed as a benefactor of mankind, may by its very success prove to be a deciding factor in the decline of the present civilization.”

        -Dr. John I. Pitt, The Genus Penicillium, Academic Press, 1979

As a medical doctor, it is with mixed emotions that I write this article about antibiotics. It may seem that I have almost nothing good to say about antibiotics but I acknowledge that antibiotics have saved lives in the past when the bacterial resistance was not the big problem that it is now.  Many antibiotics that I have used in the past are almost useless now because of bacterial resistance and alarming  infectious states have developed because of this bacterial resistance .

Antibiotics are not the only way to treat infections as the following case might illustrate:

I saw a child of 5 years with multiple boils which were recurrent. For the past months, the child had been having crops of boils.  She had seen the local general practitioner for every episode and each time was given antibiotics for the boils. Usually,  week after a full course of antibiotics, the boils came back. This repeated itself again and again. Before coming to see me, she had gone to see the General practitioner again and this time was given three bottles of 3 types of antibiotics.  For her mum, this was the last straw and she decided that antibiotics were not solving the problem.  I took the case carefully and decided to give Arnica which is one of the remedy for crops of boils in homeopathic prescribing.  On follow up several months later, the mother described the following: “After the first dose of Arnica, more boils came out but they were generally smaller and caused very little discomfort, broke open and dried up soon after.  Before this, the boils would come back a short distance from the old ones but this time, there were no new boils and she had remained boil free!”

Antibiotics do kill bacteria and for boils, the culprit is certainly a bacteria. The antibiotic kills the bacteria and the patient gets better and then, the patient gets re-infected because the problem here is  that the body’s immune system could not deal with the bacteria which are actually present all the time and will cause boils in susceptible people.   Antibiotics are like mercenary soldiers sent in to kill the invaders when the real culprit is a poor defense mechanism.   Antibiotics are usually broad spectrum which means they do not choose which bacteria to kill or inactivate, instead they kill all within the spectrum. What this means is that they can kill the commensals which inhabit our intestinal tract and are contributing to our immune system defenses.  This means antibiotics may compromise the immune system and weaken it further.

We do need antibiotics in serious bacterial infections but what has happened over the years is that the antibiotics are not effectively killing the pathogenic bacteria anymore and, the bacteria are now getting resistant to antibiotics.  Recurrent or frequent use of antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance as well as proliferation of the bacteria which are not susceptible to the antibiotics used. The balance of bacteria to fungus in the gut is upset when antibiotics are used and this results in gut dysbiosis which in turn affects the immune system.

A recent report states that the last frontier of a broad spectrum antibiotic Carbapenems [i] which was the treatment of choice in hospital acquired infections is now no longer as effective since the hospital infections are now resistant even to this antibiotic.

This report has a personal meaning for me since I lost two relatives to hospital infections. An uncle who was admitted for bleeding in his gastrointestinal tract developed intermittent low grade fever after he was discharged. A few months later he was readmitted for sudden paralysis.  There was an abscess in his spinal bone near his neck that had burst open. He died a few days later from septic shock. The infection that caused the abscess was acquired from the hospital when he was admitted for the gastrointestinal bleed. He had been put on antibiotics several times when he was having the low grade fever but it did not wipe out the infection.

An aunt who was diabetic had a coronary artery bypass operation and the operation was a success. She never came out of the hospital alive. The leg the vein was removed from became infected and subsequently and it was amputated.  The other leg, which was perfectly good then became gangrenous and was also amputated. A week later she died of septic shock in spite of masses of antibiotics.  The infection that came on after the bypass operation was a hospital acquired infection.

An adult human has three to four pounds of beneficial bacteria and yeast living within the intestines. These microbes compete for nutrients from the food eaten. The strength in numbers of beneficial bacteria keeps the ever-present yeasts in check and causes them to produce nutrients such as the B vitamins.

The use of antibiotics indiscriminately and repeatedly also causes a proliferation of yeasts in the gut. While yeasts are normal organisms in the gut, broad spectrum antibiotics kills off the beneficial bacteria and this imbalance causes the yeast to grow too much.  Yeasts that grow beyond the normal balance become opportunistic organisms. As the intestinal bacteria die, yeasts thrive, especially when their dietary needs are met and yeasts thrive on sugar. They can use their hyphae  to pierce holes through the lining of  the intestinal wall. This results in leaky gut syndrome.  Given their ability kill beneficial bacteria and upset the flora and fauna balance in the gut, antibiotics are also likely contribute to leaky gut syndrome.

It may also be that parasitic yeasts can also cause change in food likes and cravings and it may make a person want to binge on carbohydrates including pasta, bread, sugar, potatoes. This would indeed cause weight gain and all the health complications than come along with it.

The leaky gut also causes food allergies since the partly digested food can pass straight to the blood stream via the ‘holes’ in the gut. When these particles circulate in the blood, the body’s immune system identifies them as foreign bodies and hence attacks them causing food allergies and all its related reactions.

Even if we did not take antibiotics for any infections that we have, we are still faced with the fact that the animals we consume are routinely given antibiotics in their feeds and antibiotics are present in their meat!  A solution to this would be to take organic meats and to buy meats which are certified antibiotic residue free.

I would not be fair to the reader if I did not offer my solutions to the problems resulting from antibiotics.  I list below some of my suggestions.

1.       Build up the body’s immunity by making sure we take prebiotics daily to feed our healthy gut bacteria and avoid taking processed foods which contain a lot of sugars. Sugar feeds the fungus, cellulose feeds the bad bacteria and insoluble sugars feed the good bacteria. Some good insoluble fibres are gum Arabic, lactulose and pectin. Making sure we have a balance of complex carbohydrates and adequate protein in the diet adds to our defenses and it would not hurt to exercise a little too!

2.       Take probiotics after every course of antibiotics to build the body’s bacteria level back up and maybe even take some natural probiotic foods like kimchi and yoghurt.

3.       Ask your doctor to prescribe nystatin to take along with your course of antibiotics since they keep the fungal population under control.

4.       Go for natural treatments like Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Cellular resonance treatments, Magnetic pulse therapies rather than use antibiotics. These methods act through the body’s own defense mechanism to over the infection. 


[i] http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/11/15/us-europe-antibiotics-idUSBRE9AE0L620131115




Autistic Spectrum Disorder, a Holistic approach, homeopathy, neurofeedback and nutrition !


Please follow the link below for the flyer about the talk .


Public Talk At Spectrum of Life Wednesday 30th October at Spectrum of Life Wisma Hrih Lotus ( Galleria ) Jalan Pahang on 30th October 20113 in the function room at 5 pm ! All are welcome ! Fill out the online form below  to book a place .